Daily Jobs Management Module

This module provides functionalities for scheduling, managing, and retrieving daily jobs for users within a Telegram bot environment. It allows you to schedule new daily jobs, check if specific jobs are scheduled, and manage existing jobs by removing or listing them. It also handles the formatting of daily job schedules into user-friendly strings.


daily_jobs_scheduled_times_to_string([mex, ...])

Get the user's daily jobs formatted into a string.


Get (hour, minute) from Telegram command argument with hh:mm format.

is_daily_job_scheduled(function, hour, minute)

Tells whether a given user's daily job is scheduled or not.

new_daily_job(function, hour, minute[, reset])

Schedules and saves a new user's daily job.

new_daily_job_from_args(function[, reset])

Schedules a new user's daily job from Telegram command argument with hh:mm format.


Removes all saved user's daily jobs from both the job queue and the user's data.